A Hero of San Jacinto
William F. Williams
(June, 1814 - August 17, 1878)
Marker Text: Kentuckian W. F. Williams met Sam Houston in Tennessee and later joined his army to fight for Texas Independence at the Battle of San Jacinto, April 21, 1836. Williams came to Falls County in 1857. A farmer and rancher, he was also a partner in Mosley and Williams General Store in nearby Kosse. He was a member of Eutaw Lodge No. 233, A.F. & A.M. He married Amanda Walling and had ten children. (1976)
Marker No: 5851
Grave Marker
Geographic: 31.271616, -96.639206
Location: From Kosse, take SH 14 about 2 mi. S. (on east side of road).