Beverly-Harris House
O L L I N C O U N T Y |
National Register of Historic Landmark
Geographic: 33.194290, -96.622047
Location: 604 Parker Street, McKinney
Marker Text: Warren Tully Beverly (1857-1903) was a native of Collin County, attending Spring Creek School and Plano Institute. He studied law in the office of Joseph W. Baines, grandfather of Lyndon Baines Johnson. Beverly served as county attorney and later as judge of the 59th district court. In 1886 he built this Victorian house for his family. In 1903 it was sold to Louisa Kirkpatrick Harris. Members of the Harris family lived here until 1960. (1979)
Marker No: 398
Medallion & Plate (Marker is obviously missing at this time)
Texas Historic Landmark