Blue Ridge Baptist Church
A L L S C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: Organized 1859 by 11 charter members; worship held regularly since. Z. N. Morrell and Judge R. E. B. Baylor were among early missionaries holding services in the settlers' log cabins.
George Harlan deeded 28 acres for church, school, and cemetery in 1873. Land is part of grant given by Mexico in 1835 to his father, Doctor Isaiah Harlan. The first church building also housed an early school. Church has sponsored annual "May Day Singing" since 1887. Descendants still attend. The third (present) sanctuary was built here in 1908. (1970) Marker No: 440
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Texas Historic Landmark
Geographic: 31.259567, -96.746979
Location: From Marlin take SH 7 about 9.5 miles, then go south on FM 1771 about 3.5 miles.