Bradley Cemetery
O L L I N C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: Edward Bradley, his wife Nancy, and their family came to this area from Kentucky in the 1840s AS members of the Peters Colony. They built a log home of a branch of Wilson's Creek in the Southwest part of present McKinney. A hillside near the Bradley home became the site of a family Graveyard.
The Original Cemetery covered about an acre of land. Though begun as a family cemetery, other members of the small Community were eventually interred here. Eleven original headstone remain in the Cemetery. There are believed to be a number of unmarked graves, as well. South of this plot a slave Cemetery was located in a wooded area, the graves marked with Boid D'Arc Wood Markers. The oldest documented grave is that of Edward Bradley (1787-1855). Nancy Bradley (d.1880), and their son and daughter-in-law, Thomas T. (d.1881) and Sarah J. (d.1876) Bradley, are also buried here. Others interred in the Cemetery include Dr.David Maclay (d.1859), six-month-old William B. Pulliam (d.1863), and Susan R. Parrish and her child, who died within months of each other in 1861. The Historic Bradley Cemetery serves as a reminder to Collin County residents of their area's heritage. (1986) |
Marker No: 485
Aluminum 27 x 42 Subject Marker
Geographic: 33.185650, -96.623367
Location: 300 block of Wilson Creek Parkway, McKinney