Buckholts Brethren Church
I L A M C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: As early as 1848, Bohemian and Moravian immigrants of the Unity of the Brethren faith arrived in Texas. The Protestant denomination began with Czech reformer John (Jan) Hus, and when Buckholts residents held their first Brethren services in 1894, they used the Czech language. The Rev. Adolph Chlumsky led the first services for the group, which in 1907 formally organized the Czech Moravian Church. Members built a wooden sanctuary at this site in 1913 and used it until dedicating a new structure in 1951, around which time the church began holding services in English. In 1959, the congregation changed its name to Buckholts Brethren Church. It continues to serve as a community focal point. (2006)
Marker No: 13493
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 30.878391,-97.123398
Location: 606 North 4th Street, Buckholts