First Baptist Church
of Murphy
O L L I N C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: In 1900, twelve years after the founding of Murphy, local resident Mrs. May Cockrell directed the formation of this congregation. Aware of the need for a Baptist church in the community, she hosted the organizational meeting in her home. Present were many of her friends, including the Rev. G.W. McCalla a Baptist preacher from Plano, and Bob Coleman of the Plano Star-Courier. The same year Mrs. Louisa Brown donated land at this site for construction of the sanctuary. Since 1900 the congregation has made many significant contributions to the community. (1981)
Marker No: 1659
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 33.029499, -96.611732
Location: FM 544 at Murphy Road (FM 2551), Murphy