First United Methodist
Church of McKinney
O L L I N C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: This congregation originated in 1851 as a mission of the Dallas Circuit. At first it met in the county courthouse, Masonic hall, or a union church building. In 1858, it became center of the McKinney Circuit; erected in 1876 a building of its own; became an independent station in 1879. As a result of efforts begun by the Rev. E.L. Casey, this distinctive edifice was completed in 1901. The original steeple crashed in 1954 during high winds. Although altered and enlarged, this is the city's last ornate, turn-of-the-century church building. (1977)
Marker No: 6156
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 33.199421, -96.617844
Location: Corner of Church and Lamar Streets McKinney, McKinney