Guadalupe County Historical Markers
Have- 73 Need-10
Named for the Guadalupe River. The county seat is Seguin. We have been in and around Guadalupe County several times as it is relatively close to home. The time that immediately comes to mind is a family vacation in a holiday rental house right on the river. Steve's family has done these vacations together in the past but this was the first since I had joined the family. The family is growing and it's not particularly easy to get a group of this size (20 plus) together and then it is also challenging to find suitable accommodation but we did it, four generations for 4 days, it was such a lot of fun. The jewel, of course, being that we were right on the river. My mother-in-law often mentions doing it again.
There are some markers on private property that we have yet to visit, the right time has just never corresponded with a good time to access. The biggest challenge (or annoyance) has been confirming whether the Andrew Neill Church House is still in existence, we have not been able to locate it but I'd love to be sure. The Andrew Herron Home is noted in the Texas Historical Commission atlas as being razed. It is however still standing the medallion & plate is missing but the house doesn't look like it's going anywhere anytime soon. The Humphrey House and the Hollamon - Eskine House are one and the same but are listed separately in the atlas. The Jauer Family Cemetery has also caused some frustration as you can see the marker from the road but how to gain access to it has eluded us, though we have looked at least three times.
There are some markers on private property that we have yet to visit, the right time has just never corresponded with a good time to access. The biggest challenge (or annoyance) has been confirming whether the Andrew Neill Church House is still in existence, we have not been able to locate it but I'd love to be sure. The Andrew Herron Home is noted in the Texas Historical Commission atlas as being razed. It is however still standing the medallion & plate is missing but the house doesn't look like it's going anywhere anytime soon. The Humphrey House and the Hollamon - Eskine House are one and the same but are listed separately in the atlas. The Jauer Family Cemetery has also caused some frustration as you can see the marker from the road but how to gain access to it has eluded us, though we have looked at least three times.
22nd March, 2020 - There are three new markers listed in Guadalupe County, and I know two of them are up. All of the others we still need to capture are difficult for one reason or another. Either they are on private property or in the case of Colonel James Clinton Neill and Andrew Neill Church may be missing and thus inassessible. I'm hoping Guadalupe will provide some insight.
Altwein Family
Andrew Herron Home
Andrew Jackson Sowell
Andrew Neill Church House
Battleground Prairie
Black Education in Seguin
Boecker Cemetery
Campbell Cabin
Camp Clark, C. S. A.
Christ Lutheran Church of Elm Creek
Claiborne West
Claiborne West Home
Claiborne Rector
Clear Spring Hall and Storage
Colonel James Clinton Neill
Colonel John Ireland
Colonel Nathaniel Benton
Concrete Cemetery
Dugger Cemetery
El Capote Ranch
Elijah Valentine Dale
Ezekiel Smith
Former Site of Dowdy School
Founding of Town of Marion, 1877
Friedens Church
George Francis Home (Dublin Plantation)
George Francis Home (Dublin Plantation)
George Washington Lonis
Guadalupe County
Guadalupe County C. S. A.
Guadalupe High School
Guadalupe River
Hard Scrabble
Henry Eustace McCulloch
Henry Troell
Hollamon House-Eskine House
Hugo and Georgia Gibson House
Humphrey House
Jauer Family Cemtery
John F. McGuffin
John N. Sowell
Jonathan Douglass
Jose Antonio Navarro Ranch
Joseph Sonka House
Juan Nepomuceno Seguin
Juan Seguin
Juan Seguin School
King Family Cemtery
Lone Oak Cemetery
Los Nogales
Los Nogales
Marion Public Schools
Marion State Bank
Moore House
Navarro School
Old Nixon Cemetery
Pendleton Rector
Post Oak Community Cemetery
Redwood Cemetery
Riverside Cemetery
Robert D. McAnelly
Saffold Dam
Samuel Millett
San Geronimo Cemetery
San Marcos Primitive Baptist Church
Schumannsville Cemetery
Schumannsville Cemetery
Second Baptist Church of Seguin
Sweet Home Vocational and Agricultural School
Site of Dietz Community
Site of Muelder Store
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
St. Paul Church
Tewes House
Texas Lutheran College
The Women's Club Room
Tiermann School
Timothy Pickering Jones
Warkncke Cemetery
Wilson Potteries