James Waller Thomas
O L L I N C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: This vernacular style house was built c. 1868 by James Waller Thomas, an early civic leader in Collin County, for his family of 13. Originally a one-room residence, the house has not been substantially modified since 1902. It reflects the modest homes built by early settlers of North Texas with materials and techniques available prior to the arrival of rail service. Original elements include the flooring, brick chimney, and rough-hewn timber foundation and roof decking. This is also the site of an attempt on Thomas' life by an unknown person, likely due to his role as editor and publisher of the county's first newspaper wherein he expressed support for the Union and the rights of black settlers – opinions unpopular with some during the Civil War and Reconstruction. (2011)
Marker No: 16788
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Texas Historic Landmark
Geographic: 33.195484, -96.518217
Location: 206 South Benge Street, McKinney