McMinn Chapel Cemetery
O L L I N C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 13505
Texas Historical Cemetery Marker
Geographic: 33.080082, -96.366829
Marker Text: This cemetery served settlers of what was known as the McMinn community. Both the community and cemetery are named for John W. and Evaline McMinn, who settled in this area in 1849. They donated land for the cemetery in 1894, although the oldest known burial dates to 1877; there are also a number of unmarked graves. Area residents also built a church and school at the site. The decline of the McMinn community started with the arrival of the railroad in Nevada, which encouraged settlers to relocate to the nearby town. Today, the cemetery stands as a reminder of the early community. (2005)
Location: North on FM 1138, west on FM 1778 1/4 mile.