Mount Zion Baptist Church
I L A M C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 7991
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 30.727001,-96.988968
Marker Text: Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, organized in 1872 (4.5 mi. W), and Fellowship Baptist Church, formed about 1877 in Minerva (2 mi. N), merged in 1895 to form Mount Zion Baptist Church. The Rev. N. J. Dyer served as first pastor. Services were held in a building relocated to two acres here in 1895. In 1941 membership expanded, a Women's Missionary Union was formed, and the church joined the Milam County Association. Over the years new facilities have been built, including a new sanctuary in 1982. The church continues to be active in missionary outreach and community educational programs. (1995)
Location: west on FM 487 1.3 miles from Rockdale, 4.7 miles on FM 1712