Old Settlers and Veterans
Association of Falls County
A L L S C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 3809
Aluminum 27 x 42 Subject Marker
Location: From Lott, take FM 2027 about 6 miles southeast
Marker Text: Some 75 years after pioneers opened this region, the "Old Settlers Association of Falls County" was organized on July 4, 1908. In 1909, the Willis L. Lang Camp of Confederate veterans and the settlers held a joint reunion. Merging later, they chartered the "Old Settlers and Confederate Veterans Association of Falls County" in 1911. Goals were to memorialize deceased comrades, honor the pioneers, and preserve southern history. Signing the charter where John M. Jolly, Edmund Pierson, and J. H. Robertson of Marlin; R. B. Bratton of Kosse; N. R. Watkins and F. O. Porter of Lott. This 17.9-acre permanent reunion ground was acquired in 1912 from the family of J. K. Tomlinson, an 1858 settler from Georgia who, along with a son William, enlisted and died in the Civil War. In 1936, an historic log cabin was relocated here--to exhibit pioneer memorabilia. A new charter in 1946 renamed the organization the "Old Settlers and Veterans Association," signifying its opening to the soldiers of later wars. Patriotism, education and historical preservation are still stressed. Falls Countians in state and national life reflect ideals which have been instilled by this association. (1976)