Powers Chapel
A L L S C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 4103
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 31.116390, -96.891739
Marker Text: Before 1850 the Rev. Joseph P. Sneed (1804-1881), a Methodist circuit rider. Organized the congregation later known as Powers Chapel. Luke Powers and John Cullines donated this land for a log church house built in 1855. It served as a community center and school until a two-story building, with a masonic lodge upstairs, replaced it in 1870. This structure was completed in 1890, acreage from other land gifts provided for the cemetery and the tabernacle which took the place of an early brush arbor. Revivals and Memorial Day services are still held here. (1978)
Location: From Rosebud, take FM 1048 east about 6.1 miles, then go south on Fm 2027 about 1.5 miles