San Gabriel Christian Church
I L A M C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 13202
Aluminum 27x 42 Subject Marker
Geographic: 30.694921,-97.197357
Location: in San Gabriel community, 6 mi. N of Thorndale on FM 486, then left on CR 421
Marker Text: Noted for its many streams and fertile soil, this area of Texas has long been inhabited. Early European institutions included three 18th-century Spanish missions, as well as a presidio. The following century brought many changes. In 1835, the Mexican government granted Abigail McLennan Fokes a league of land that included three future sites of what would become the San Gabriel Christian Church, which began circa the 1840s. The group, known as "Campbellites," first worshiped in private homes. In 1854, Martha Kolb was the church's first documented baptism, and during the next few years many more settlers converted and joined through baptism. In 1859, the San Gabriel Christian Church formally organized.
In 1884, the church built its first sanctuary on land donated by J.W. Hamblen. Known as the Old White Church, it sat on a hill between Pecan Creek and the San Gabriel River. The building and many records survived a fire, but because of frequent flooding the congregation moved in 1901 to a new sanctuary across the river on land donated by Henry F. and Lucy Baird. Weather again affected the congregation when winds severely damaged the building around 1921; in September of that year, heavy flooding washed away the salvaged lumber intended for reuse. In 1924, members constructed a third house of worship at this site, where they remain today. Over the years, the congregation has been served by many leaders in the Disciples of Christ denomination, including some active in Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University. In addition to programs and worship, the congregation has given to its community through mission work and other services. Many members are descendants of the original families, who came together more than 150 years ago in worship. (2004) |