I L A M C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: A farming and ranching community, Sharp traces its origins to the years immediately after the Civil War when settlers, attracted by the fertile black soil, began arriving in this area. The first business, a store, opened in 1892. It was soon joined by a blacksmith shop and the Davis General Store in 1896. Cotton was the principal crop of the area, and a gin opened in 1896. When a post office was established here in 1901, the name Sharp was chosen to honor Dr. William F. Sharp, a physician in Davilla (8 mi. W). An annual reunion of Sharp residents began in 1978. (1987)
Marker No: 8001
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 30.754013,-97.202026
Location: FR 487, 14 miles west of Rockdale