Shiloh Baptist Church
O L L I N C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 6202
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 33.017361, -96.702362
Location: 1310 Avenue I, Plano
Marker Text: This congregation was organized in 1884 as the Mt. Zion Colored Baptist Church. Led by the Rev. Z.T. Stuart, the charter members were Ammon Drake, Lula Drake, Minnie Drake Stuart, and Kanzetta Bowen. Located at this site since its organization, the congregation has worshiped in four buildings. The first sanctuary was a small structure lighted by coal oil lamps and heated by a wood burning stove. The current church building was constructed in 1964. Throughout its history, Shiloh Baptist Church has served its community with worship, education, and outreach programs. (1988)