Site of
A L L S C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: This area was first settled in 1887 by members of the Marlin and Menefee families. The settlement grew steadily, and for a time was known as Jarrett Menefee's supply station. By the 1840s the village boasted a school, general store, blacksmith shop, racetrack, stable, saloon, stagecoach stop, and post office. According to local legend, the name Bucksnort was coined by an inebriated patron of the saloon. By the 1850s, as settlers moved into other areas in the county, Bucksnort was no longer a viable community. (1989)
Marker No: 556
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 31.269318, -96.893990
Location: From Marlin, take SH 6 about .5 mile (thru city limits), then go west .8 mile on Fm 712.