Walkers Creek Cemetery
I L A M C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 13577
Texas Historical Cemetery Marker
Geographic: 30.921135,-96.941261
Location: Cameron, north on US 77, east on FM 485, north on CR 140
Marker Text: The Walkers Creek community was named for W.H. Walker, who moved to the area in the 1830s. Tennessee native Richard W. Cage settled in the area with his wife Mattie and their family, and in June 1884, the Cage family donated land for the Walkers Creek Cemetery, Baptist Church and School. The burial ground was in use by 1880, when Mattie Lee Jinks was interred here. The church, which organized in 1882, disbanded in the 20th century. An association cares for the still active cemetery, which remains a tie to the generations of settlers who contributed to Walkers Creek history. (2005)