White Deer Cemetery
A R S O N C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 16365
Texas Historical Cemetery Marker
Geographic: 35.429775, -101.185806
Location: Junction of County Road Y & County Road 16, South of White Deer, Texas
Marker Text: In 1916, Mrs. Beulah V. Tillman, a “femme sole,” purchased 155 of the 160 acres that made up block 7 of survey 26 of the International and Great Northern Railroad Company. Because the remaining five acres were omitted from the purchase, the site may have already been established as an informal burial ground. It is believed that an employee of the railroad died in an accident ca. 1905 and had been buried at the site, although no records of the burial survive.
The White Deer Cemetery association was formed in March 1923, and the first directors of the association were John Gores, J.C. Jackson, C.E. Evans, G.B. Moss, and W.H. Brady. At that time, Frederic de P. Foster, acting as a representative of the White Deer Land Company, sold the five acre cemetery to the association trustees for the sum of one dollar. A second charter was filed for the cemetery association in 1953, but the association eventually became inactive. In 1991, a group of interested citizens met to reestablish the association, which continues to oversee the site. The oldest marked interment in White Deer Cemetery is the 1915 grave of Howard Milhoan. (a replacement gravestone incorrectly indicates that infant Jewel Brady died in 1914, but her death actually occurred in 1916.) Additional burials include veterans of the Civil War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Today, White Deer Cemetery serves as a reminder of the community’s early pioneers, while still meeting the needs of the people of White Deer and the surrounding area. (2009) |