Williams Cemetery
O L L I N C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 13194
Texas Historical Cemetery Marker
Geographic: 33.170628, -96.667282
Location: 1.5 miles west of US 75 and .25 mile north of intersection of Eldorado Parkway and Harding Boulevard, McKinney
Marker Text: Grafton Williams came to this area in 1843 with the Peters Colony and received a 640-acre land grant. He was active in the creation of Whites Grove Settlement here. After his wife Harriet's death in 1848, he donated land for use as a community cemetery, sometimes called Mount Olive Cemetery because the Mount Olive Baptist Church was once adjacent to it. The Williams Cemetery Association, formed in 1885, maintains the site, using funds from the sale of land willed to the cemetery in 1927 by Samuel Payne. Today the burial ground, still active, is a link to the community's heritage and early residents. (2000)