Wylie Cemetery
O L L I N C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 17193
Texas Historic Cemetery Marker
Geographic: 33.012768, -96.532249
Location: 5th Street and Masters Street, Wylie
Marker Text: In 1889, the Wylie Cemetery Company purchased several town lots, totaling about five acres, from the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad and established the Wylie Cemetery. According to local history, the daughter of an indigent family was the first burial before the cemetery was completed. The earliest marked grave is that of Wylie Cemetery Company president, William M. Housewright, who died in 1889 from pneumonia. Other Wylie Cemetery Company founders are buried here including Dr. John F. Butler, Frank L. McCarty and William Thomas Brown, as well as veterans from the Civil War to the Vietnam War. The Wylie Cemetery Association maintains this historic cemetery. (2003)