Bazette Baptist Church
and Cemetery
A V A R R O C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 8272
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 32.180347, -96.262627
Marker Text: The early farming settlement of Bazette, named for a Baptist preacher, developed before the Civil War. In 1881, postmaster and store owner William Ellison (1840-1906) deeded land at this site for the community's Baptist church. First known as Liberty Missionary Baptist Church, the congregation may have formed as early as the 1860s. In 1890, the deacons purchased adjoining land from J. L. Jennings for the establishment of a cemetery. The oldest marked grave is that of Jhonnie Hiett (1881-1891). The church and cemetery serve as reminders of the area's early history. (1986)
Location: 11009 NE CR 3090, Bazette