Bethlehem Baptist Church
O L L I N C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 12926
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 33.252083, -96.333366
Location: 16167 CR 665, Farmersville
Marker Text: Bethlehem Baptist Church was established in 1854. Gifts provided land for a church and cemetery: in 1859, from Hugh and Edea Woody; in 1886, from Peyton D. and Sallie E. Huff; and, in 1904, from J.B. and Martha Watson. At that time, the Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church, as it was known then, built a wooden chapel. The church has been part of Sister Grove, East Fork and Collin Baptist associations. Early pastors included B. Watson, W.D. Chapman, W.H. Dunn and A.J. Standifer. No services were held from 1958 to 1984, but a cemetery association maintained the chapel and the grounds, holding annual reunions. In 1984, members reactivated the church, and the growing congregation constructed additional buildings. (2002)