Birdston Community and Cemetery
A V A R R O C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 8274
Aluminum 27 x 42 Subject Marker
Geographic: 31.912394, -96.304611
Location: FM 416, 3 miles northeast of Streetman
Marker Text: When V. I. Bird opened a general mercantile store about 2 miles to the northwest in the 1860s, Birdston community was founded. As local economy then depended on cotton, a gin was soon built near the store. In a few years, store and gin were relocated a mile east of this cemetery, at halfway point on main road from Fairfield to Corsicana. The Birdston post office opened Dec. 11, 1866. By 1867 the community also had a school; by 1872 a church building, used by all faiths.
The cemetery was opened on land donated by Edd and Juliett Burleson for church and school purposes. The first grave, located near the church, was that of a child, Mary Rayburn, whose family had been traveling from Fairfield to Corsicana, stopping at Sherrard's Boarding House in Birdston, where the child fell ill and died. A second grave was dug near the church when T. J. Gilbert died on Dec. 5, 1872. By 1888 additional cemetery land was sold to trustees by Mrs. Burleson. When Birdston was bypassed in 1909 by Burlington Rock Island Railroad, it lost its post office and businesses; the school closed in 1920. The cemetery has continued in use through ensuing years, and in the 1950s had a new section annexed by purchase of acreage from the Charley Gregory Estate. (1972) |