Blevins Cemetery
A L L S C O U N T Y |
Additional Plate; This historical marker given in loving memory of Lorene Shields Wittner, granddaughter of John and Cunigunda Huber, who are buried in this cemetery.
Marker No: 436
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 31.226061, -97.206535
Location: From Bruceville-Eddy, take FM 1239S about 8 miles.
Marker Text: Born in the Republic of Texas in 1838, Amanda Ruble Taylor moved to this area in 1855. This cemetery began with her burial on family land in 1875. Her widower, the Rev. Issac Taylor, deeded land for this cemetery to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in 1879. The numerous infant grave sites reveal the harsh realities of frontier life. Buried alongside veterans of conflicts from the Texas Revolution to World War II are farmers whose perseverance and faith in the land helped shape this area. The Blevins Cemetery Association, founded in 1958, restored this site in 1991. (1993)