Braschler House
O M A L C O U N T Y |
Geographic: 29.716993, -98.082497
Location: 240 South Kowald Lane, New Braunfels
(1Marker Text: Built in 1854 by the Rev. Henry Braschler (b.1818 in Switzerland) who came to Texas in 1848 and served as pastor in nearby St. Martin Lutheran Church, 1852-57. Of caliche and cedar fachwerk, house was later enlarged and according to tradition, became a stage stop on Bastrop Road. In its family burial plot is grave of Maren Hander (b. 1805 in Denmark) great-grandmother of Ethel Geue and May Bourgeois, who bought the house in 1970 and restored it. (1974)
Marker No: 492
Medallion & Plate
Texas Historic Landmark