Camp Colorado C.S.A.
O L E M A N C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: Surrendered as U.S. outpost beginning Civil War. Became part frontier defense line from Red River to Rio Grande. Headquarters first Texas Mounted Rifles 1861 and Texas Frontier Regiment 1863. Manned by troops and Rangers in state and C.S.A. service to war's end. Valuable duty performed while patrolling and scouting to curb Indian raids and in rounding up draft evaders, deserters. Camp life difficult with constant peril of Indian attack, shortage food, ammunition, supplies and horses. Located 12 miles northeast. A memorial to Texans who served the Confederacy. (1963)
Marker No. 657
Pink Granite Civil War Memorial
Location: City Park on SH 206, north side of Coleman.
Geographic: 31.846735, -99.426765