Captain Henry Gray Carter
A L L S C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 6516
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 31.310102, -96.892036
Marker Text: Born in Weston , Vermont, moved to Texas in 1852. Enlisted as a lieutenant in confederate army (Gen.-Tom Green's brigade, Texas cavalry) in 1861, during civil war. Promoted to captain in 1862 for gallantry, he fought against Gen. N.P. Banks' army at Fort Butler, Mansfield, Bisland, and Pleasant Hill, where he was wounded .
Married Cleopatra Williams in 1864. Moved to Marlin in 1871 and became prominent banker, rancher, and business leader. Built house on this site in 1871; in 1926 it was remodeled. Original ax-hewn log foundation, fireplaces, and square nails are still visible. (1971) Location: 407 Gift Street, Marlin