Cleburne Lodge No.315, A.F. & A.M.
O H N S O N C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: The new town of Cleburne was selected as the Johnson County seat in 1867. Two years later, the Grand Lodge of Texas granted a charter to the Cleburne Masonic Lodge No. 315. The members built a lodge hall in March 1871 and the town of Cleburne was officially chartered two months later. Early members of the Cleburne Lodge who were influential in the town's development include B.J. Chambers, Jeremiah Easterwood, N.H. Cook, J.A. Willingham, B.S. Greenshaw, B.F. Clayton and Charles W. Breech. Several Cleburne mayors and county and state judges have been members of Cleburne Lodge No. 315. The lodge's financial outreach and community activities center around educational efforts. (2000)
Marker No: 11957
18 x 28 Aluminum Subject Marker
Geographic: 32° 20.787′ N, 97° 23.127′ W
Location: 103 South Caddo Street, Cleburne