Counts Cemetery
U N N E L S C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: Earliest known interment was that of a child, Mary Louisa Hale, on November 30, 1880. In January, 1884, Andy and Christian Fannin sold 4 acres to M. C. Bright, J. M. Carter, R. F. Counts, John A. Chambers, J. M. Givens, D. W. and William Hale, Alf A. Hanscomb, J. T. Hardegree, P. Hawkins, F. B. Massengale, Jesse Rogers, and C. C. Simmons as a public cemetery for the rural community of "Content". The plot was named for R. F. Counts, who bought the surrounding property in 1889. An additional 4 acres were donated by Sidney Bright in the 1930s. An unknown number of Confederate veterans of the Civil War are buried here. (1975)
Marker No: 1083
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 32.028095, -99.753403
Location: from Winters take FM 1770 east 12 miles then go north on FM 382 about 3 miles then go west .25 miles on county road