Crane Family Cabin
O N T G O M E R Y C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: Nickolas Crane (b. 1830) came to Texas from Alabama, 1848, and in 1850s married Mary Ann Havard. A Confederate veteran of the Civil War, he built this large cabin on the Angelina County land claim that he occupied in 1867. Walls were of pine logs split and hand-adzed to give smooth finish to the interior. Cabin had a stick-mud-and-moss chimney; a cypress board roof. Kitchen was detached. Carroll and Mae Tharp moved and restored the cabin in the 1970s. (1974)
Marker No: 7870
Medallion & Plate
Texas Historic Landmark
Geographic: 30.392620, -95.689796
Location: 770 Clepper Sreet, Montgomery