E. A. Newsome House
O L L I N C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 17707
Medallion & Plate
Texas Historic Landmark
Geographic: 33.197948, -96.620766
Location: 511 West Virginia Street, McKinney
Marker Text: Edward A. Newsome, a financier, land owner and philanthropist, built this home in 1895 for his wife, Laura Fitzhugh, and their family. In 1966, the home was purchased by the Murphy family. The grand, two-and-a-half story Victorian home was the scene of many social activities in McKinney. The interior of the house boasts large rooms, high ceilings, ornate woodwork and a majestic stair landing. Window panes of cocoa glass, or solar glass, are displayed along the main staircase. The house changed hands over the years but remains a distinctive architectural gem in north Texas. (2013)