Fanny Finch
Elementary School
O L L I N C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: Laura Frances (Fanny) Shipe (1866-1942) was born in Woodstock, Va., and educated in Texas. In 1890, after teaching at McKinney's Collegiate Institute, she married Henry A. Finch (d. 1934), later a Texas legislator and mayor of the city. The couple had 7 children. In 1917 Mrs. Finch became one of the state's first women to serve on a school board. A born leader, she helped found such enterprises as the Owl Literary Club and the city's first Garden Club. She and her husband gave sites for a park and a college. This school was named in her honor in 1924. (1978)
Marker No: 1570
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 33.185722, -96.516272
Location: 1205 South Tennessee Avenue, McKinney