First Baptist Church of Cleburne
O H N S O N C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 12777
27 x 42 Aluminum Subject Marker
Geographic: 32° 19.912′ N, 97° 24.662′ W
Location: 1300 West Westhill Drive, Cleburne
Marker Text: Baptist missionary preacher W. A. Mason held a revival in the new Johnson County Seat of Cleburne in 1868 and on May 5 of that year formally organized the First Baptist Church with 16 members. Mason stayed on as pastor of the new congregation until the Rev. J. R. Clarke arrived in 1869 to begin an 11-year pastorate. During his tenure, the congregation purchased property and constructed its first building.
In 1893, the Rev. Dr. George W. Baines, Jr., accepted the call to serve as pastor, and he led the church to found three new Baptist congregations. A new building was completed in 1901 on this site during the pastorate of the Rev. J. A. Hendricks to accommodate the growing congregation. Additional facilities, including an education building, were established to house the expanding ministries and church programs. After the sanctuary was found to be in poor repair, a new auditorium was constructed in 1941. Throughout its history, the First Baptist Church of Cleburne has accomplished significant work in the mission field, both in the community and overseas. A noteworthy part of the religious and cultural history of Cleburne, the congregation continues to uphold the ideals and traditions of its founders. (2002) |