Greater Providence Missionary
Baptist Church
A L L S C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 13041
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Goegraphic: 31.301771, -96.892326
Location: 412 Commerce Street, Marlin
Marker Text: In 1893, Twelve men and women led by the Rev. N.T. Denson organized the Providence Baptist Church, named to reflect a sense of divine direction, they held their first services in a schoolhouse and later purchased this site . They erected a brush arbor where they held services until they could build their first sanctuary. The congregation faced devastating fires in 1941 and 1963, losing records as well as their name to Greater Providence. The church has provided space for local groups and has continued to grow, with music, education and outreach services for its members and its community. (2005)