Herefords in Sweetwater
Marker Text: Organized 1922, the Sweetwater Hereford Breeders Association and Auction Sale (now Sweetwater Area Hereford Association) is considered Texas' third oldest group formed to promote this fine beef breed. First Officers: Walter L. Boothe, president; G.E. Bradford and J.D. Dulaney, vice presidents; E.P. Neblett, secretary.
The Texas Hereford Association assisted local breeders in early sales. First sale was held March 1, 1922. Then semi-annual events, sales are now held annually. Some consignors to the Golden Anniversary Sale, December 4, 1972, are from families of the organizers. (1972) Marker No: 2461
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 32.480988,-100.410378
Location: Fairgrounds, 1 mile north of Nolan County Courthouse, Sweetwater