"The Poet Ranchman"
Larry Chittenden
(March 23, 1862 - Sept. 24, 1934)
O N E S C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: Author of "Cowboys' Christmas Ball" - cited for literary merit by National Folklore Society.
Born in New Jersey, Chittenden first came to Texas as a sales agent. In 1884 he visited S. M. Swenson at this site; in 1887 began developing 10,000 acres of family-owned land 16 miles southwest of here. Through rough ranch life he caught spirit of the land. With publication of his "Ranch Verses" in 1893, fame was assured. He lived in Jones County for many years; gave his own library and an endowment to Anson High School. His burial place is in New Jersey. (1970) Marker No: 3039
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 32.941067, -99.819084
Location: grounds of Cowboy Reunion Headquarters, 0.75 mile west of Stamford town square, on US 277/92