Lovejoy School
O L L I N C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: Lovejoy School was created in 1917 by the consolidation of Forest Grove and Lick Springs schools. It was named for Mrs. J.L. Lovejoy (d. 1939), a local clubwoman who promoted many educational causes for the area. Grades 1 through 9 were taught here in the "Little Red Schoolhouse," which was built in 1917 and contained 4 classrooms. Lovejoy School experienced an influx of new students into its rural district in the 1960s, and later expanded its facilities to accommodate the increased enrollment. (1983)
Marker No: 6175
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 33.126102, -96.610718
Location: FM 1378, 3 miles south of the intersection of FM 1378 and FM 2786 (Stacey Road), Fairview