Mount Calvary Baptist Church
N G E L I N A C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: Mount Calvary Baptist Church was founded in 1892 when Ellen Grimes asked her employer for the use of a house as a church for African Americans in Keltys. The church's first pastor was the Rev. J. James. The congregation has occupied four different buildings. In 1948 the Angelina County Lumber Company deeded land for the church site. The congregation supports many community outreach programs and mission work in Africa. The Mount Calvary Baptist Church continues to serve the Lufkin area as it has for more than 100 years. (1996)
Marker No: 8714
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 31.362730,-94.744934
Location: 208 Calvary Street, Lufkin