Murphy Family Cemetery
O L L I N C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: The Murphy Family Cemetery has been identified with the Murphy Community since William A. Murphy (1816-1909) set aside land for a private family cemetery in 1872 when his sister, Susan Emberton, died. The cemetery is also known as the William Andrew Murphy Cemetery or Mouldon Cemetery. William decreed that his sons and their families be buried on the north side of the cemetery, while his daughters and their families be buried on the south. By the late 1800s, most of the Murphy family moved west and other community members were interred on the grounds. The last burial was Ruby Sorrells in 1988. Today the cemetery sits peacefully among the cedars first planted by the daughters of William and Dorothy Murphy. (2015)
Marker No: 18425
Texas Historical Cemetery Marker
Geographic: 33.020065, -96.604980
Location: North Maxwell Creek Drive near Tom Clevenger Drive