New Hope Cemetery
O N E S C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: William F. Bean (1872-1944) and his wife Birdie Bean (1881-1917) were among the first settlers to the New Hope community; both their families arrived in 1883. William's great-uncle, Amos Bean, died between 1883 and 1890 and was interred under a tree on Bean farmland. The newborn son of W. L and Georgia Whitaker was interred nearby in 1890. Three more infants and children were buried on Bean farmland in 1891, 1898 and 1899. William Bean deeded the land 3/4 mile northwest of his great-uncle's grave for a New Hope community burial ground in 1899. Since that time the cemetery has grown to three acres including the first five graves. Other interred here include J. E. Skiles, longtime minister of the Baptist church; James Williams, who taught school at New Hope; his wife Mary Artealy Williams; and their descendants. (2000)
Marker No: 11983
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Plate
Geographic: 32.867794, -99.799522
Location: 5 miles south of Stamford on FM 1226 to FM 1636