Oklahoma Cemetery
O N Y G O M E R Y C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: Oral tradition says that when a Mr. Sanders is told a Mr. Leslie he was moving to Oklahoma, but moved near here instead, the settlement was named "Oklahoma". George W. Snook (1849-1939) and Bonnie Jerome Goodson Snook (1863 - 1939) were the first to set aside an acre here for a burial ground when their young daughter Jesse Snook (1890–189), became ill and died. A tree uprooted by a storm was the last place she had visited so they buried her nearby. The girl's uncle, John Henry Goodson (1867 - 1958), also donated an acre to this site in 1903. It has doubled in size since then, remaining a chronicle of the families of this area of Montgomery County. (2001)
Marker No: 17449
Texas Historic Cemetery Marker
Geographic: 30.156982,-95.595802
Location: From Magnolia, Texas go east on FM 1488 12 miles to FM 2978. Turn right and go south on FM 2978 4.5 miles. Cemetery will be on your left.