Pollok Baptist Church
N G E L I N A C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 8717
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Marker Text: Founded as Warren Chapel Baptist Church in 1891, this congregation became known as Pollok Baptist Church in 1896. The first meeting place was shared by the Methodist and Presbyterian churches. Land acquired in 1906 by the Baptists was the site of the first church building. Early baptisms were performed in the Angelina River. Services were held once or twice monthly until 1945 when the first full-time pastor was called. Fire destroyed three church buildings in 1932, 1955, and 1960; the congregation rebuilt each time and continued to serve the area. (1996)
Geographic: 31.447289,-94870033
Location: Paul Townsend Road (CR 4A) and SH 7, Pollock