Powell-Tull Cemetery
A L L S C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: John Powell ( 1826-1889) was the first to be interred here in 1889. It was this event that caused the Powell family to set aside this land as a burial ground that was to serve them, as well as the Bolton, Busby, Greer, McRae, Sims, Suggs, Sylvester, Taylor and Tull families. One of the Tulls, Thomas Marion (1836-1921), was a Confederate veteran who, with his wife, Amy Caple (1835-1919), came here from Arkansas, where he had served in the state legislature and a justice of the peace. The lives of these Falls County pioneers are remembered by descendants who continue to care for this site that chronicles their families heritage. (2001)
Marker No: 14624
Texas Historical Cemetery Marker
Geographic: 31.289978, -97.028656
Location: Off CR 419 on private land. From Chilton, 1 mile east on SH 7 to CR 419, 0.3 mile northeast on CR 419 to unnamed road, 0.1 mile northwest to cemetery entrance.