Rafael Rios No. 1
(Located 0.8mi. N, on Farm Road 671)
A L D W E L L C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: Discovery well of Luling Field, a major Texas oil area. Wildcatter E.B. Davis drilled on land owned by R. Rios. Well came in Aug. 10, 1922, after 3 dry holes had been drilled in same area. Magnolia (now Mobil) Oil Co. bought filed 1926. By 1969, production was 135,000,000 barrels. Incise on back: Donated by Mobil Oil Corporation. (1970)
Marker No: 12654
Aluminum 14 x 24 Subject Marker
Geographic: 29.716280,-97.727867
Location: Intersection of Highway 80 and Farm Road 671, northeast corner, Stairtown