Route of Jones & Plummer Trail
I P S C O M B C O U N T Y |
Marker Text: Established about 1874, when used by the freighting firm of Ed Jones and Joe Plummer to haul tons of buffalo hides from their general store in Lipscomb County to Dodge City, Kansas.
Also, in its early days, this trail carried crucial supplies to Generals Nelson Miles and Philip Sheridan during their famous 1874 Indian campaign. Materials for building Fort Elliott, at Mobeetie, also came over the trail. The fort then became southern terminus for the route; Dodge City, northern. In its later years (until 1885), it became a cattle trail. (1968) Marker No: 4368
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 46.455883, -100.530693
Location: intersection of SH 15 and SH 23, Booker