Sweetwater Reporter
Marker Text: C.E. Gilbert, who founded the "Abilene Reporter", established the "Sweetwater Advance" in 1881, the year Nolan County was organized. Later published as the "Nolan County Review", it was purchased in 1906 by John W. Millsapps, who modernized the operation. In 1911 Millsapps, and his partner W.A. Perry, with the assistance of managing editor C.A. Wade, began publishing daily editions under the "Sweetwater Reporter" banner. A later owner of the newspaper was Houston Harte, who became a partner in the national publishing firm of Harte-Hanks. (1981)
Marker No: 5265
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic : 32.472736,-100.393074
Location: 112 West 3rd Street, Sweetwater