United Methodist Church
of Fairy
A M I L T O N C O U N T Y |
Marker No: 9411
Aluminum 18 x 28 Subject Marker
Geographic: 31,849335, -07.983604
Location: from Hico city limits, take FM 1602 south 9.8 miles; church is of 1602 on west side up the hill
Marker Text: First church organized in Fairy. Chartered as "Martin's Gap Methodist Mission" on July 3, 1886, under the Rev. J. S. Moore. Charter members were Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Steward, Lee Anderson, and Mesdames Hattie Chenault, G. W. Goyne, Lou Harvey, and J. S. Moore.
Church building was erected first year, land for it and a parsonage being given by Capt. Battle Fort, local settler. In 1888 membership was 122. In 1920 original building was replaced by present structure. Continuous services have been held here since the church's founding. (1970) |